Month: March 2022

Socio-Cultural Perspective

Socio-cultural perspective emphasizes the role of culture and social interaction in the process of child development. Lev Vygotsky, the propounder of socio-cultural perspective, focuses that a child’s thinking does not develop in a vacuum but rather is influenced by the sociocultural context in which s/he grows up.  Vygotsky believed that the development of memory, attention …

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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Approach

The goal of developmental cognitive neuroscience is to know how brain function gives rise to mental processes such as logical thinking, reasoning, and vision. This approach looks at cognitive development through the lens of brain processes. ‘Developmental cognitive neuroscience is an interdisciplinary scientific field devoted to understanding psychological processes and their neurological bases in the …

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Information-Processing Approach 

Information-Processing Approach  Information-Processing approach traces the ways individuals manipulate information, monitor it and strategize about the information.  As this approach is built from Piagetian research, it is also known as Neo-Piagetian approach. It explains how the thinking process of children develops through childhood and adolescence. Unlike children, adolescents develop a larger capacity for processing information …

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Piagetian Approach or Cognitive Developmental Approach

Piagetian Approach or Cognitive Developmental Approach Famous cognitive psychologist, Jean Piaget proposed an important theory of cognitive development. This perspective focuses on how children construct their understanding of the world as they pass through four stages of cognitive development through assimilation (responding according to existing schemas) and accommodation (modifying a schema to fit new information). …

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Cognitive Perspective

Cognitive Perspective In the cognitive developmental perspective, we will discuss three approaches related with cognitivedevelopment. They are:  Piagetian Approach or Cognitive Developmental Approach;  Information-Processing Approach; and  Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Approach Piagetian Approach or Cognitive Developmental Approach Famous cognitive psychologist, Jean Piaget proposed an important theory of cognitive development. This perspective focuses on how children construct …

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Bronfenbrenner Ecological Model

Bronfenbrenner Ecological Model To understand the life course of a child and how that child interacts with her /his environment. In the 1970s, Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) developed the ecological viewpoint to explain how all aspects of the environment affect the child and in turn how the child affects her/his environment.  The word ‘ecology’ describes how living things …

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