Difference in between Learning and Development

Some believe that learning leads to development whereas others contend that development leads learning (Piaget).

  1. What should be taught at a particular level is decided in accordance with children’s developmental pattern. That is how we develop curriculum for a particular grade. Knowing and implementing suitable practices while teaching the curriculum help learners to learn effortlessly. Knowledge of developmental patterns also helps teachers and parents to understand their children’s level of learning.
  2. Since developmental domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor which can be understood as knowledge, attitude or self and skills, respectively) are interlinked and change in one domain affects the other. 
  3. The learning process gets influenced by development. If a child has to face some developmental challenges, it might influence his/her learning acquisition. For example, a child who starts walking will get more space to explore the surrounding and hence, this exposure will play a significant role in his learning. He/she will be able to create more relations between different social aspects and try to relate them with his/her past experiences. Therefore, it is important for a teacher to make appropriate linkages between development and learning.
  4. This way, learners will be able to make some meaning in the given context. These relations will also enhance the scope to develop a better curriculum for the various groups of children as per their needs and abilities. If we explore more, we can understand this relation in a different way, where learning facilitates development and knowledge skills and other exposure facilitates development at various stages. 
  5. It is important to mention that as there are cultural differences in learning, development may also be influenced by cultural conditioning.
  6. Development proceeds in children at different rates and learning has a unique relationship with it.
  7. Learning and development complement each other in two distinct categories. The relationship between these two features is unique because, individual difference plays a great role for both learning and development. Recognition of these differences surely facilitates overall education of a child.
  8. All psychologists, without any debate, accept that early development is very crucial for further development and learning. The kind of experience a child goes through in early stages has profound influence on his or her later life. Irrespective of whether the experience is good or bad, childhood happenings influence both learning and development. For example, a child who is introvert in his/her play school, may overcome this nature and become more confident at public forums when positive experiences are reinforced by interaction with his or her peer group. Thus, peer exposure will help a child to develop better.
  9. It should be noted that learning should not only be based on rewards. Research suggests that the effect of rewards on learning is temporary. 
  10. Children should be encouraged to be self-motivated in their learning. Such learning stays for a relatively longer time.
  11. Development has a quality of predictability and this predictability helps us to understand the abilities of children. Awareness about these abilities facilitates children’s learning process because the facilitator becomes aware of the learner’s capabilities and is able to deal with the child accordingly. 
  12. Learners who have teachers sensitised to their needs show great performance in their work.
  13. Learning is also influenced by the social and cultural context. 
  14. Family background, which includes social status, economic condition and educational condition, plays a significant role in the child’s development and hence, influences learning too.
  15. The teacher should have a clear understanding about the importance of culture in development and learning. It does not mean that teachers should know about all the cultures. This is impossible, but, they should be sensitive enough to allow learners to use their own cultural experiences to develop a healthy perspective about the concept they are expected to learn. This will provide space for multiple perspectives in class. Teachers need to appreciate all perspectives emerging in the class with a positive attitude. This appreciation will lead the entire class to respect each other’s point of view.
  16. Children learn actively, they are not passive entities. They make sense of their surroundings and learn.
  17. They learn through observation and interaction and in the process, they contribute to their own development. Their daily life experiences help in this process.
  18. Interaction between biological maturation and the environment leads to development and learning. However, theorists have different views about how this interaction takes place. The physical and social environment in which a child lives, determines this interaction. 
  19. Play has a significant role in this process. Play also has a role in the development of emotions, cognition and so on. 
  20. Language development occurs because of interaction with society. Children play a lot of games in their younger age and communicate with each other freely in peer groups. This free communication is a very important tool of their language development. This oral language development provides base for later written language development. Children get space to express and represent their views, thought and feeling through play. A safe environment is essential for development and learning. Children need to feel free to express themselves. It is the responsibility of the school, home and community to provide a safe and secure environment for children.